Australian Baijiu 500ml


Baijiu 白酒

The no.1 consumed drink in the world (by volume), has now been made in Australia by the Good Spirits Co. With an ABV of 53%, this premium spirit is distilled to perfection from the finest Australian sorghum, barley, and wheat. All ingredients are locally grown, GMO-free, and made with clean, pure Australian water, ensuring that you get the best quality product.

This smooth, funky and citrusy drink with a dash of soft sweetness can be enjoyed neat or as a cocktail. Good Spirits Co. Australian Baijiu has received several awards and accolades, including being named one of the 10 global baijius to love by La Revue du Vin de France, and receiving double gold medals at China Wine & Spirits Awards 2020 and London Women Wine and Spirits Awards 2020.

We believe that this premium and all-natural Baijiu will quickly become a favourite among our customers, and we are confident that you will love it as much as we do. Made with love in Victoria, Australia, this baijiu is the perfect spirit for any occasion.

Order your bottle of Good Spirits Co. Australian Baijiu today and taste the difference for yourself.

ABV: 53%

VOL: 500ml

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Baijiu 白酒

The no.1 consumed drink in the world (by volume), has now been made in Australia by the Good Spirits Co. With an ABV of 53%, this premium spirit is distilled to perfection from the finest Australian sorghum, barley, and wheat. All ingredients are locally grown, GMO-free, and made with clean, pure Australian water, ensuring that you get the best quality product.

This smooth, funky and citrusy drink with a dash of soft sweetness can be enjoyed neat or as a cocktail. Good Spirits Co. Australian Baijiu has received several awards and accolades, including being named one of the 10 global baijius to love by La Revue du Vin de France, and receiving double gold medals at China Wine & Spirits Awards 2020 and London Women Wine and Spirits Awards 2020.

We believe that this premium and all-natural Baijiu will quickly become a favourite among our customers, and we are confident that you will love it as much as we do. Made with love in Victoria, Australia, this baijiu is the perfect spirit for any occasion.

Order your bottle of Good Spirits Co. Australian Baijiu today and taste the difference for yourself.

ABV: 53%

VOL: 500ml

Baijiu 白酒

The no.1 consumed drink in the world (by volume), has now been made in Australia by the Good Spirits Co. With an ABV of 53%, this premium spirit is distilled to perfection from the finest Australian sorghum, barley, and wheat. All ingredients are locally grown, GMO-free, and made with clean, pure Australian water, ensuring that you get the best quality product.

This smooth, funky and citrusy drink with a dash of soft sweetness can be enjoyed neat or as a cocktail. Good Spirits Co. Australian Baijiu has received several awards and accolades, including being named one of the 10 global baijius to love by La Revue du Vin de France, and receiving double gold medals at China Wine & Spirits Awards 2020 and London Women Wine and Spirits Awards 2020.

We believe that this premium and all-natural Baijiu will quickly become a favourite among our customers, and we are confident that you will love it as much as we do. Made with love in Victoria, Australia, this baijiu is the perfect spirit for any occasion.

Order your bottle of Good Spirits Co. Australian Baijiu today and taste the difference for yourself.

ABV: 53%

VOL: 500ml

Founded in 2018 and located in Sydney, Good Spirits Co. proudly produces multiaward winning 100% Australian made Baijiu. Baijiu 白酒 (pronounced “bye-joe” and meaning “white spirit” in Mandarin) has been made in China for over 500 years.


It is the national spirit of China savoured during dinner with friends or on special occasions. While respecting Chinese traditional baijiu distilling process, Good Spirits Co. has put an Australian spin on the world’s most popular spirit. Our baijiu is influenced by the Chinese baijiu tradition and recipe but made with love in Victoria using local premium ingredients and rich spirit-making traditions

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